среда, 7 апреля 2021 г.

Why people do not change their views

When people engage in self-education, they tend to select sources of information that align with their existing worldview. An atheist, for instance, reads books about evolution, while a believer reads about Christian wonders. Similarly, those who support the Democrats consume Democratic media, and those who support the Republicans consume Republican media. Information that does not fit their worldview causes them cognitive dissonance—unpleasant feelings they wish to avoid. To escape these feelings, they usually deny the information, label it as fake or manipulated, or simply forget it.

I believe that education can make a person more dogmatic because the modern education system only provides knowledge that fits into a pre-established narrative. 

We can say that a person's worldview is often shaped by the first books they read or other initial sources of information they encounter.

There is an interesting observation that believers are less likely to read the Bible than atheists. Atheists consider the Bible a set of fairy tales, so reading it does not cause them cognitive dissonance. Believers, however, encounter facts in the Bible that do not fit their worldview, causing cognitive dissonance and leading them to stop reading.

This phenomenon has intensified in recent years. Previously, people watched the news to get new information. Now, they watch the news to confirm their existing views. This problem is related to the filter bubble (Filter Bubble).

A smart person is one who is not afraid of cognitive dissonance and is ready to endure it until a new understanding emerges at a deeper level of knowledge. A foolish person, on the other hand, believes they understand almost everything.

1 комментарий:

  1. Nice thoughts. It's really sad if it's all because of a random book. I sadly remember my classmates who admired Rand. Especially considering that, according to the latest definition, she was not smart.
